Month: November 2013

Chicken and Corn Enchiladas

Chicken and Corn Enchiladas | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

Thanksgiving is this week, and I could not be more excited! In my mind, there’s nothing better than a day full of spending time with family, cooking and eating great food, and drinking wine while celebrating everything you have to be thankful for. I’m feeling warm and snuggly just thinking about it.  T-4 days, people! 


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Italian Sausage and Pepper Pizza

Italian Sausage and Pepper Pizza | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

I’m not going to lie…I can totally, TOTALLY be a pizza snob.

Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love all pizza, as I’m sure you can tell. But I tend to always want to make things…fancy. I want blue cheese and pear. I want organic lamb sausage and sweet, soft caramelized onions and thinly sliced prosciutto. I want fresh corn and tomatoes on whole-wheat crust. I want breakfast on my pizza, complete with a runny egg and bacon and chives. See? Total pizza snob.


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Cinnamon Streusel Pumpkin Muffins

Cinnamon-Streusel Pumpkin Muffins | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

It’s no secret that I absolutely love fall food; I’m going to go ahead and say it’s my favorite food time of the year. And my favorite fall food, hands-down, is pumpkin. I have yet to meet a pumpkin food I didn’t like, from the sweet (pies, breads) to the savory (soups, sauces, pastas).  Basically, as soon as the air turns one little bit chilly, I’m shoving as much pumpkin in my mouth as I possibly can, skinny jeans be damned. Besides, pumpkin has VITAMINS, okay? It’s a fruit (and yes, I just Googled that to make sure).


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