Month: January 2014

Blue Moon Cupcakes

Blue Moon Cupcakes | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

Today is part two of our Super Bowl food series! It’s also the tail end of Meg and Brad’s Moving Weekend Extravaganza. Yeah, that’s right, we no longer live in a teensy tiny studio apartment. In our new place, there are ROOMS. With different PURPOSES. I can’t even talk about the additional counter space in the kitchen. I’m getting giddy just thinking about it. Anyways, the point is that as I’m writing this, I’m sitting on a couch in the middle of our new living room surrounded by a million errant cords and stacks of books and mounds of cardboard boxes that are just waiting to be dealt with, and I’m ignoring all of it to talk about Blue Moon cupcakes.


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Sausage Pizza Rolls

Sausage Pizza Rolls | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

The Super Bowl is exactly 2 weeks from today, and I could not be more excited! I love sports. Not playing them, of course, just watching them while eating. Duh.

In honor of the ultimate sports (ahem, food) event of the year, I have 2 recipes – one savory and one sweet – comin’ atcha before the big day for you to whip up for your Super Bowl party. Let’s kick things off with these sausage pizza rolls. Homemade pizza sauce, hot Italian sausage, creamy shredded cheese, and fresh basil are rolled up into an awesome hand-held pocket of deliciousness. Guys, it’s pretty much a homemade Hot Pocket. It’s game day food at its very best.


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Thai Chicken Quinoa Bowls

Thai Chicken Quinoa Bowls | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

I’m still on this wholesome-but-totally-hearty-and-delicious kick, and it seems like most of the Internet is on board, too. As I mentioned, I’m not really into New Year’s Resolutions because I think it’s best to just eat in moderation all of the time, but after an entire month+ of pure decadence over the holidays, my body is still like, “Yo Megan, cool it on the mac n’ cheese and bread pudding, okay?” Besides, it’s fun trying to make good-for-you ingredients taste awesome and not leave you hungry in 45 minutes.


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(Lightened Up) Traditional Chili

(Lightened Up) Traditional Chili | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

January has always presented a bit of a culinary conundrum for me. On one hand, it’s hard not to be totally inspired by all the healthy recipes out there on the inter-webs. On the other hand, it’s freakin’ freezing (can I just mention that the high in Chicago tomorrow is -13°F?) and all I’m craving is warm, hearty, hibernation foods. What’s a girl to do??


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