Month: March 2014

Chocolate Stout Bread

Chocolate Stout Bread | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

I don’t know about where you live, but ‘round these parts, St. Patrick’s Day is a pretty big deal.

A “start-drinking-before-noon” kind of big deal.  I mean, we dye an entire river green. You just gotta do it. 

It may be more than a week before the actual day, but in food blogger world, we always celebrate early. So welcome to St. Patrick’s Day WEEK up in here. I ate and drank copious amounts of chocolate and beer this weekend FOR YOU. You’re welcome! 


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Butternut Squash and Bacon Pizza

Butternut Squash and Bacon Pizza | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

This is my absolute perfect winter pizza.

And by that I mean it’s my perfect how-is-it-still-zero-degrees-on-March-2nd pizza.

I can’t look ahead to asparagus and artichokes and other signs of spring. I can’t think about bathing suits or sunshine or Vitamin D. It’s just too painful. Let’s just hang out here, in our PJs in the middle of the day (because obviously we haven’t been outside yet), gazing out of our snow-filled windows and eating butternut squash and bacon pizza. This is my happy place right now.


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