Month: August 2014

Mexican Dark Chocolate S’mores Bars

mexican dark chocolate s'mores bars // my bacon-wrapped lifePeach cobbler, giant ice cream cones, blueberry pie – summer has no shortage of incredible desserts. It’s the time of year for everything fruity and streusel-y and cool and creamy and, perhaps best of all, EASY – and there ain’t nothin’ wrong with any of that. But I think if we had to choose a winner, the one definitive quintessential summer dessert, it just has to be s’mores.

S’mores are the ultimate warm-weather treat – so simple, but so satisfyingly ooey-gooey and chocolate-y. They just scream summer to me, and I couldn’t let a summer go by without paying tribute to the ultimate summer indulgence. I would never do that to you!


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Foodie Favorites – August 13, 2014

foodie favorites - august 13, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped lifeBaking up a batch of the best chocolate chip cookies in the world 

Hello everyone – hope you’re having an awesome week! We had so much fun with my parents and little brother last weekend. We managed to tour Northwestern, see an outdoor concert, ride bikes along Lake Michigan, spend an afternoon at the Art Institute, and eat our faces off all weekend, so I’d say it was an insanely successful Chicago visit! Here are my foodie favorites for this week.


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Peanut Butter and Jelly Chia Seed Pudding

peanut butter & jelly chia seed pudding // my bacon-wrapped life

So I’d like to introduce you to this here thing called chia seed pudding.

Well, chances are you’ve already heard of chia seed pudding. It’s been making rounds around the internet for a few years now. But like with all healthy food trends, I can be a little skeptical and a little late to the game. I’m always like, “IT CAN’T BE AS GOOD” and immediately dismiss said healthy food craze as a lame version of the real thing. But after baking up this incredible vegan zucchini bread earlier this summer, I decided I needed to start being a little more open-minded. (A little. I still draw the line at substituting spaghetti squash for pasta, though.)


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Foodie Favorites – August 6, 2014

foodie favorites - august 6, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped lifeThe pizza fondue (yes, you read that right) at La Madia in Chicago

Hi everyone! Hope you’re having a great week. We’re starting our month of family visits – my brother visited last weekend, my parents and other brother are coming to Chicago this weekend, and Brad’s sister and her boyfriend are visiting the weekend after that! I’m absolutely loving all of fam time and enjoying probably a little too much eating and drinking…but hey, that’s how it should be! Here are the things I’ve been loving this week:


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