Month: October 2014

Restaurant Reviews: Munich, Germany

restaurant reviews - munich, germany // my bacon-wrapped life

Cheese spaetzle at the Hofbräuhaus in Munich, Germany. O-M-G.

OK, I’m not going to lie. Calling this post a “restaurant review” is a wee bit of a stretch. Can I just call it “lots of pictures of German food and also humans drinking beer” and we can call it a day?

Here’s the thing about German food: it’s soooo good but also very similar everywhere you go. So I can’t be like “THIS ONE PLACE has the best bratwurst and THIS ONE PLACE has the best spaetzle” because after just a week, I am nowhere near the authority on that. So let’s just love up on in the cuisine in general and relive vacation goodness! Aaaaaaand go.


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Bacon Butternut Squash Risotto

bacon butternut squash risotto // my bacon-wrapped life

So a couple of weeks ago I was looking through the archives of this here food blog and it struck me that I haven’t made a pasta recipe in over a year. Not a single solitary carb-a-licious one.  This is obviously completely NOT indicative of how much time I spend eating/thinking about/dreaming about pasta. You know that, right? We know each other better than that? Just making sure here.


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Foodie Favorites – October 8, 2014

foodie favorites - october 8, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped life

Halfway through our first beers at Oktoberfest! 

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a great couple of weeks. We are currently recuperating from an incredible trip to Germany last week – more pictures to come next week! In the meantime, I have lots of links for you from my week off. Here are this week’s Foodie Favorites!

First and most importantly, these beer-cooked bratwursts are bringing me riiiiiight back to Bavaria. But really, can we go back now?

These homemade apple fritters look ah-mazing. Undeniably labor-intensive, but so worth it! Stunning.


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White Bean Pumpkin Hummus

white bean pumpkin hummus // my bacon-wrapped life

Sometimes, with all the pumpkin pie and pumpkin cake and pumpkin muffins out there in the world, it’s pretty easy to forget that pumpkin is…a vegetable (well, it’s technically a fruit, but you know what I mean). You know, like a healthy thing with nutrients. That can be used in other ways besides being covered up with butter and sugar. I know, CRAZY, right?


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