Month: November 2014

Foodie Favorites – November 13, 2014

foodie favorites - november 13, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped life

My favorite sandwich in the entire world – the California Dreamin’ from Bat 17

Hi everyone! How’s your week going? Are you already planning out your Thanksgiving menus, too? If you need any ideas, may I suggest pumpkin pie? Or the best broccoli casserole ever? Or some homemade dinner rolls? Or pancetta mac n’ cheese perhaps? OK I’ll stop. I’m just so excited! My mom and I have finalized our menu and I’ll be putting together a shopping list this week. I’ll make sure to share with you what I’m planning on making in next week’s round-up. On to Foodie Favorites!


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Skillet Baked Pancetta Macaroni and Cheese

skillet baked pancetta macaroni and cheese // my bacon-wrapped life

I have an important question for you: how do you feel about mac n’ cheese at Thanksgiving?

Personally, I’m all for a little Thanksgiving adventurousness and like to try at least a few new recipes each year. And if that adventurousness involves pasta, cheese, and big hunks of meaty Italian bacon, I’m even more on-board. But I know many, many Thanksgiving purists too, and that’s totally cool! If you’re in the traditional turkey/gravy/stuffing/mashed potatoes/sweet potato casserole no-weird-stuff-no-way-no-how camp, stick around because I have an awesome classic Turkey day side recipe comin’ atcha next week, so just hold tight up in here.


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Foodie Favorites – November 5, 2014

foodie favorites - november 5, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped lifeMy new haul of squash, gifted by a co-worker with a serious squash over-abundance. Bring me all the squash, I say!!

Helloooo everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Hallo-weekend filled with a lot of candy and a little bit of boozy debauchery. We had a wonderful night with friends and re-purposed our Oktoberfest outfits for a stress-free Halloween costume. Less time costume planning, more time eating piles of fun-sized candies, that’s what I always say. Here are this week’s Foodie Favorites!


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Dark Chocolate Coconut Quinoa Granola

dark chocolate coconut quinoa granola // my bacon-wrapped life

Guys. It’s November. NOVEMBER! The month of first snows and Thanksgiving and the beginnings of holiday shopping and Christmas music. I’m getting all excited just thinking about it.

I, for one, love the holidays. (I don’t do Christmas music until after Thanksgiving though. THEN it’s game on, All-I-Want-for-Christmas-is-You style allllll the way until December 25, yo.) In every other way, I am happy to start celebrating as soon as it’s socially acceptable, and November 2 = totally, totally acceptable. Bring. It. On.


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