Month: December 2014

Sweet Potato Latkes with Golden Raisins and Walnuts

sweet potato latkes with golden raisins and walnuts // my bacon-wrapped life

Guys. DON’T WORRY. I didn’t forget about Hanukkah this year. You were worried, right? But just in the nick of time, I’m comin’ atcha with some latkes like BOOM.

A few weeks ago, I was talking to my best friend Emily and mentioned that I was sad I wasn’t going to any Hanukkah dinners or parties this year. I always love celebrating with my Jewish friends and their families, but this year, all of our close Jewish friends are living in different cities, and nothing came up on the calendar. Like the smart, savvy lady that she is, she suggested that I have my own Hanukkah celebration. And she’s totally right. I mean, why can’t two completely Christian people who have a healthy appreciation for all Jewish foods have a little latke party?


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Foodie Favorites – December 10, 2014

foodie favorites - december 10, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped life

I didn’t take any food pics this week, so here is a throwback to Thanksgiving weekend, eating mountains of incredible, authentic bulgogi at home in Los Angeles! Can’t wait to do it  all over again in a few weeks.

Hey guys! How’s your week going? I’m definitely feeling the holiday buzz and a little stress – so much to do, so little time! I finished all of our Christmas shopping this past weekend, and now I’m just baking up a storm – which is at least my favorite to-do! We have three holiday parties in three days coming up, so at least I know it will be a wonderful weekend despite being insanely hectic. Here are this week’s Foodie Favorites.


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Sriracha Caramel Corn

sriracha caramel corn // my bacon-wrapped life

GUYS. It’s here. The best time of the year!!!!

No, not Christmas. Not QUITE. But it’s full-blown, no-holds-barred, decorate the Christmas tree and listen to obnoxious pop versions of classic Christmas songs and bake your face off season, and to me, that’s almost as fun as the real thing. Seriously, nothing makes me happier than spending days upon days making homemade Christmas gifts for the people I love and packaging them up all pretty. And not eating ANY of them myself, of course. Never!


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Foodie Favorites – December 4, 2014

foodie favorites - december 4, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped life

 Can I go back to last Thursday and eat this all over again, please?

Hey everyone! I missed you last week. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and absolutely ate your faces off. I know we certainly did! We feasted on pretzel bread stuffing, cheesy broccoli casserole, incredible bacon-roasted sweet potatoes, the best pumpkin pie I’ve ever had, and so much more. It was an incredible Thanksgiving! Now, of course, I’m already in full-blown Christmas baking/nesting mode. I waste no time when preparing for my favorite holiday!! Here are this week’s Foodie Favorites.


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