Month: January 2015

Foodie Favorites – January 15, 2015

foodie favorites - january 15, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

Sometimes, I cook a bunch of bacon, then cook bread cubes in the leftover bacon grease, then cook brussels sprouts in more bacon grease, then call it dinner. Oops?

Hey guys! How’s your week going? After basically hibernating for the first week of January due to insanely freezing temps, I’ve resumed my usual levels of walking around and it feels surprisingly great! It’s a balmy 15°F after all – totally do-able, right? (Can you even believe I was born in Los Angeles?) Hope you’re keeping warm and braving the winter wherever you are. Here are this week’s Foodie Favorites!

I want to eat this entire pan of oatmeal cookie baked oatmeal. I love baked oatmeal, and this version looks so homey, comforting, and flavorful!

These spaghetti Bolognese garlic bread boats are basically the only thing I want to eat until it gets warm out again. Obviously the only way to make carbs better is adding more carbs. It’s science!


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White Chocolate Cherry Almond Energy Bars

white chocolate cherry almond energy bars // my bacon-wrapped life

One of my main foodie resolutions this year is to eat more whole, natural foods. I want to make as much of the food that we consume as I can at home, to control the ingredients and the flavors and make sure there’s no weird aspartame lurking where it shouldn’t. I mean, we all need some full-blown, no-holds-barred cheddar goldfish or potato chips every now and then, but for the everyday, I’d like to try to up the ante on the natural-ness of our food. Honestly, it’s not that I’m generally bad at this, but we all have room to improve, right?


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Foodie Favorites – January 7, 2015

foodie favorites - january 7, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

 Star of the Green family Christmas dinner. Because this was the last food pic I’ve  taken, and also because, HAM!!!

Hey guys! How’s your 2015 going so far? It’s been absolutely freezing in Chicago (the polar vortex is here to stay, apparently), but I AM still recovering from a whole month of nonstop truffles and champagne, so I’ve been craving a weird mix of decadent, comforting food and lighter fare. Foodie Favorites are all over the board this week, so I hope you’re kinda sorta feelin’ the same way?

This Brussels sprouts salad looks winter-y and fantastic while still being totally, well, green and veggie-licious. Brussels and nuts and cheese? This is my kind of salad!

These steak and avocado breakfast burritos look absolutely insane. I love a good breakfast burrito, and these are top-notch!


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Bacon, Kale, and Caramelized Onion Quiche with Buttermilk Oat Crust

bacon, kale, and caramelized onion quiche with buttermilk oat crust // my bacon-wrapped life

It’s January 4th, which means that well-intentioned resolution-makers are busy strapping on their FitBits, busting their ass at those pilates classes, and eating kale like it’s goin’ out of style.

Unless you’re me and you broke your toe by running into a couch on the last day of 2014 and you’re spending a whole lot of time with your bffs sweatpants and remote control. That’s cool too, right?

At least I have the kale part.


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