Month: February 2015

Foodie Favorites – February 27, 2015

foodie favorites - february 27, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

My last (sob!) Chicago deep-dish pizza delivery. I’ll be back soon for friends (first) and pizza (close second)!!

Hey guys! I hope you’re having a less hectic week than I am – we are currently in the middle of moving across the country (by that I mean, our stuff is gone and we are living in an empty apartment, only to fly out later this week to another empty apartment) and we’ve been eating on the floor with paper plates and plastic cutlery all week. And sleeping on an Aerobed, shivering with no comforter. I’m trying to be lighthearted and easy-going about it, but I already miss cooking (and, you know, chairs and tables and dressers and stuff). On the bright side, we’ve been using it as an excuse to eat tons of Chipotle and take-out sushi…so it could be worse! Probably because I have no cooking utensils of my own, I’ve been absolutely drooling over all the food in my blog feed this week. Here’s this week (lengthy) Foodie Favorites round-up!


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Mini Pear Crisp with Beer Salted Caramel Sauce

mini pear crisp with beer salted caramel sauce // my bacon-wrapped life

Are we ready for some real talk today? Some happy/sad/nervous/excited real-life real talk? I hope so, because I am basically in a glass case of emotion.

This right here is my last post as a Chicagoan. Brad and I are packin’ up and doing the whole move-across-the-country thing, because in just a few short weeks he’ll start grad school at UC Berkeley. While so many parts of me are incredibly thrilled and excited for this next chapter in our lives (and, uh, 75-degree winters), thinking about leaving the people I love, this city I call home in every sense of the word, and the wonderful life we have here makes me feel super squeamy inside. Technical term.


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Foodie Favorites – February 18, 2015

foodie favorites - february 18, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

Valentine’s Day breakfast-in-bed by Brad (awww, right?!). Egg sandwiches are his specialty, and I ain’t complainin’ about it. 

Helloooo everyone! I hope you’re having a good week and you had a fabulous Valentine’s Day weekend filled with tons of chocolate and wine. We stayed home and cooked (it’s a bit of a tradition) and this year went with a Mediterranean theme – these lamb skewers and tzaziki sauce, and this hummus, along with fresh pita bread. We loved everything, but the tzaziki sauce totally blew us away – SO good! I love having Brad’s help in the kitchen, so it was a perfect Valentine’s Day. Now that we’re back to boring, freezing, dreary old February, let’s look at some pictures of food to cheer us up. Here are this week’s Foodie Favorites!


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Maple Bacon Ricotta Pancakes

maple bacon ricotta pancakes // my bacon-wrapped life

You know what’s better than pancakes with a side of bacon?

Yeah, that would be pancakes with bacon INSIDE of them.

Whelp. That happened. Can I get a #YOLO? Is that still a thing that people say? If it is, I think bacon pancakes qualify as YOLO-worthy material.

(I swear I’m 25, not 75, as that prior paragraph might lead you to believe. I really don’t know what to say re: my massive uncool-ness. I’m sorry?)


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