Month: February 2015

Restaurant Review: Tandoor Char House, via DoorDash

restaurant review: tandoor char house and doordash chicago // my bacon-wrapped life

I don’t know about you, but we are in the major-hibernation phase of winter. As in, it’s about halfway done – too far in to think snow is charming and pretty, and too soon to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. February is for gray, mushy snow and weekends of take-out and the couch. Not that there’s anything wrong with that – in fact, I kinda love embracing the cozy vibes. And it certainly doesn’t mean we can’t eat well, amiright?!

That’s where these two faves come in: Tandoor Char House, our #1 favorite delivery Indian food in Chicago, and the service that brings it to us – DoorDash. Have you guys heard of DoorDash? It just started up in Chicago, and after trying the service out, I could not be more excited about it. They deliver meals from your favorite restaurants for a flat fee of $5.99, with no minimum order size. They’re currently in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and a ton of other cities – check out the full list here.


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Spicy Sausage, Kale, and Farro-Stuffed Roasted Acorn Squash

spicy sausage, kale, and farro-stuffed roasted acorn squash // my bacon-wrapped life

This right here is totally my middle-of-Februrary dregs-of-winter love food.

It has so many warm and hearty winter-y things all in one (Spicy sausage! Kale! Whole grains! Squash!) and it’s so comforting and filling and cozy and actually quite healthy. Because we’ve all been sitting around in the cozy indoors on our couches watching movies and drinking wine and eating pizza in our sweatpants for weeks on end, right? And maybe we could all use some healthy comfort food love? (Please, please tell me it’s not just me?!)


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Foodie Favorites – February 5, 2015

foodie favorites - february 5, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

Tons of Indian food from one of our favorite places in Chicago, Tandoor. Full review to come next week – stay tuned!

Hey guys! How’s your week going? We got hit by a major blizzard over the weekend (5th largest in Chicago history, woo-hoo!) and yet still made it out for the Super Bowl. If I’m not a real Midwesterner at this point, I give up! Hope you stayed safe (and warm!) in all this crazy winter weather. Here are this week’s Foodie Favorites!

Afternoon beer just might be the greatest idea ever. Such a classy excuse for day drinking!

I am always on the lookout for new granola recipes to try, and this simple coconut oil granola looks fantastic! I haven’t tried making granola with coconut oil, and I think it’s about time I start.


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Bourbon Salted Caramel Fudge

bourbon salted caramel fudge // my bacon-wrapped life

I’m not going to lie to you. I almost wrote this recipe off as a total, ugh-inducing recipe fail.

See, these were supposed to be CARAMELS. Ooey-gooey, stick-to-your-teeth, smooth and glossy caramels. Nice and pretty and perfect for Valentine’s Day (because, you know, we do holidays very early in food blogger land). But apparently my candy thermometer was a bit off, because I pulled them off the heat too soon and ended up with fudge. Watching them set up, I could tell they weren’t right and I got super frustrated. But then…THEN….we tried them. And they were so absolutely amazing that I couldn’t NOT share them with you guys. Enter: bourbon salted caramel FUDGE!


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