Month: May 2015

Foodie Favorites – May 13, 2015

foodie favorites - may 13, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

Chips and guac and lots of Mexican food at Comal to celebrate my future sister-in-law’s new job! Not pictured: more margaritas than generally advisable.

Hey everyone! How’s your week going? We are in for a very exciting weekend – my future sister-in-law Tara is graduating from UC Berkeley so we have the whole family in from out of town and are planning on doing lots of eating and drinking to celebrate! I hope you’re enjoying warm weather and spring-y celebrations wherever you are, too. Here are this week’s Foodie Favorites!

This chocolate peanut butter pretzel tart looks like sweet-and-salty dessert heaven. I love this idea!

Two thumbs-up to this super simple 3-ingredient grilled chicken recipe. What a good recipe to add to the weeknight repertoire!


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Edamame Hummus and Goat Cheese Toast

edamame hummus and goat cheese toast // my bacon-wrapped life

Now if this isn’t the spring-iest thing that has ever sprung from my kitchen, I don’t know what is.

A few weeks ago we started easing into bright, fresh spring-y greens with some, uh, mac n’ cheese. With peas though!! And it was marvelous and cozy and the perfect season-straddling dish. But now? It’s May, yo! It’s full-on spring up in here. And my cravings are aligning with the spring in the air and the promise of long summer days (and eek, bathing suits?!?!) on the horizon.


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Bakery-Style Double Chocolate Muffins

bakery-style double chocolate muffins // my bacon-wrapped life

What do you make for your mom for Mother’s Day brunch when your mom is the biggest chocoholic of all time?

Answer: Enormous chocolate-chocolate chunk muffins. Obviously.

I inherited many things from my mama: a big head of curly hair, a love of crossword puzzles, and a healthy appreciation for some serious trashy reality TV. But maybe the biggest thing I got from my mama? Her major chocolate sweet tooth. (Well, my dad has a giant sweet tooth too, so I was kinda done for at birth on that one, but work with me here.) My mom takes a love of chocolate to the extreme – she has no interest in any desserts that DON’T have chocolate. If there’s chocolate anything on the menu, she’s going to be all about it. Which I love, because I know exactly how to make her happy for virtual Mother’s Day brunch!


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