Month: June 2015

Kitchen Sink Summer Farro Salad

kitchen sink summer farro salad // my bacon-wrapped life

I don’t want to be totally cliché and say the 4th of July totally snuck up on me and I CAN’T BELIEVE it’s next weekend, but like. There. I said it. It’s true. How is it not-June as of Wednesday?!

Not that I’m complaining. Although the summer always flies by way too fast, I love this time of year – poised right at the beginning of months and months of long, warm, sunny days, the promise of relaxed alfresco meals and lots of ice cream dangling right in front of us. Even in perpetually-sunny California, there’s something about summer that just makes you want to relax, take a deep breath, and just be. And that is always a good thing in my book!


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Foodie Favorites – June 24, 2015

foodie favorites - june 24, 2015

The best “brunchitizer” – a fresh-baked chocolate croissant from my favorite Berkeley brunch place, La Note!

Hey guys! How’s your week going? It’s been great summer weather here and I have been lo-ving it. We finished our (wonderful!) marathon of trips and visitors that has been the past month and a half and have been enjoying some quieter times and more cooking at home – the biggest perk of a quiet weekend, in my humble opinion! I’m loving getting back in the kitchen in a big way, especially with all the inspiring summer food out there on the internet. Here are this week’s super-summer-lovin’ Foodie Favorites!

I absolutely love the idea of jazzing up store-bought ice cream with these fancy dipped cones. “Semi-homemade” is always the best approach to entertaining in my opinion!

These avocado and ahi poke parfaits look so wonderful and refreshing. Although I’m not sure I’m brave enough to try to prepare raw fish at home?? Help!


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Brownie Tart with Salted Caramel Bacon Topping

brownie tart with salted caramel bacon topping // my bacon-wrapped life

And in a blink of an eye, it’s that time of year again. Guys, this week is my two-year blogiversary!

It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating one year of bacon and lovin’ with this salted caramel bacon ice cream pie. I mean seriously. How was that one year ago?!

So while I can’t believe it’s been two years that we’ve been hangin’ out in this here corner of the internet, I definitely knew we’d be in need of some major celebration. As you probably know by now, in my book, that usually takes the form of an ultra-decadent sweet-and-salty bacon dessert. Also, it’s Father’s Day! If meat in a dessert doesn’t scream “Dad’s day”, I don’t know what does. I know my super sweet-tooth (and bacon-tooth?) Dad would agree!


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Restaurant Review: Chez Panisse

restaurant review: chez panisse // my bacon-wrapped life

So, considering we went to Chez Panisse for our anniversary in April, I’d say this post is way overdue.

But!! I had good reasons. I had bar nuts and no-churn ice cream and mac n’ cheese to share. In fact, I was saving this post for a “rainy day” (which in food blog world means a failed recipe, shhh) and a batch of delicious but incredibly falling-apart-and-totally-unphotographably-messy black bean burgers was justttt the ticket. Sigh. On the bright side, I finally get to talk about arguably the most influential foodie restaurant in our new city, Chez Panisse!


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