Month: August 2015

Fresh Peach Cake with Bourbon Vanilla Whipped Cream

fresh peach cake with bourbon vanilla whipped cream // my bacon-wrapped life

Guys, I’ve gone a whole 3 months without putting bourbon in something, and I don’t like it one bit. I should be ashamed of myself!

I mean, this cake was just BEGGING for it. Is there a better combination than peaches and bourbon in the summertime? It’s pure Southern goodness, ya’ll.

(I’m sorry I said ya’ll.)


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Foodie Favorites – August 5, 2015

foodie favorites - august 5, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

An incredible IPA at my new favorite brewery, Surly in Minneapolis! Touring this place was a highlight of our trip…we Greens like our beer!

Hi guys! Can you BELIEVE it’s August already? Have you been summer vacay-ing it up? I’m doing lots of little trips this summer – Minneapolis with my fam, then Chicago for our friends’ wedding, then a quickie trip out to wine country with some friends for lots and lots of wine. I’m currently in between trip #1 and trip #2, fighting off a stupid summer head cold and hoping to get my appetite back before Chicago this weekend (where it will be very, very necessary)! I have full faith there will be lots of food pics coming your way in any case! In the meantime, here are this week’s Foodie Favorites:

These fig and ricotta cheesecake popsicles are one of the prettiest pops I ever did see! I need to get my hands on some fresh figs before this summer is over.

These sprinkled cake donuts are gorgeous and super nostalgic – these bring back the best memories of Sunday morning trips to the corner donut store to pick up a dozen!


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Sweet Potato Bacon Breakfast Tacos

sweet potato bacon breakfast tacos // my bacon-wrapped life

I present to you Sweet Potato Bacon Breakfast Tacos, a.k.a. the time I took a healthy vegetable and fried it in a full inch of bacon fat and called it breakfast.

For the record, I regret nothing.

See, we’re really into breakfast food ‘round the clock around here. We eat black bean breakfast burritos (my super-simple weeknight dinner specialty, if I do say so myself) or veggie-loaded egg scrambles for dinner at least once a week. Literally the only thing that Brad knows how to make is an buttery egg-and-cheese breakfast sandwich. It’s safe to say we are egg-and-cheese devotees, so when I realized the other day that I’d never tried my hand at an epic breakfast taco, my food-blogger mind started churning on overdrive.


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