Month: September 2015

Foodie Favorites – September 30, 2015

foodie favorites - september 30, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

My absolute favorite cocktail right now, from East Bay Spice Company in Berkeley. These babies are dangerously good!

Hey guys! I am more than overdue for a Foodie Favorites post…I can’t believe it’s been four freakin’ weeks! This month has absolutely flown by – in September I’ve been to Los Angeles, Denver, Charlotte, and New York for both wedding fun and work travel. It’s been a blast, but I am excited to be grounded at home for a whole two weeks – and, of course, catch up on Foodie Favorites! Here are my favorites from around the inter-webs lately:

These PB&J sandwich donuts look like basically the most amazing thing in the entire world. I mean…woah. Just woah.

Pumpkin season is finally here!! I am the giddiest about it. I think this pumpkin crumb cake looks like a pretty great place to start, don’t ya think?


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German-Style Beer Brats

german-style beer brats // my bacon-wrapped life

At this time last year, we were dressed up in our dirndls and leiderhosen, drinking liters and liters of beer and chowing down on bratwursts, spaetzle, schnitzel, and strudel. It was the absolute best.

This year, I’m on my couch in our little apartment-cave, getting slightly drunk by myself in the middle of the day because I am drinking the gigantic beer I used as a prop in these photos. I think this would be considered a significant downgrade. At least there’s still beer?


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Bourbon Honey Fig No-Churn Ice Cream

bourbon honey fig no-churn ice cream // my bacon-wrapped life

So the day I made this, I was all set to bust out the apples, the cinnamon, the nutmeg, the streusel topping. I was so excited for my first Fall baking extravaganza. I mean, pumpkin is basically my favorite thing in the world. Fall is totally my happy baking place.

But then…it was 95 degrees. And our apartment has no A/C. And I just COULD NOT bring myself to turn on the oven. I tried and tried to put myself in the blustery Fall mindset, and I just couldn’t. I’m sorry, guys. I promise streusel-topped butter-laden apple-y pumpkin-y things are coming soon, but just not today. Besides, it’s the official last day of summer! 

Can I offer you some bourbon honey fig no-churn ice cream instead?


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BBQ Chicken Bacon Nachos

bbq chicken bacon nachos // my bacon-wrapped life

Hellooooo first football Sunday of the year!!

This is the kind of thing where, if I had my shit together, I would have posted this nacho beauty last weekend so you could make it for the first football Sunday of the year. But since last weekend I was busy wedding dress shopping (!!!) and making cookies, I hope you’ll forgive me. Besides, we have an entire glorious five months of football Sundays to look forward to, so I think we’re still cool.

Besides, eating an entire tray of BBQ chicken bacon nachos was not my least favorite way to spend the first football Sunday of the year. In fact, one might say it was THE BEST WAY EVER to spend the first football Sunday of the year. One might definitely say that.


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