Month: November 2015

Sweet Potato Turkey Chili

sweet potato turkey chili // my bacon-wrapped life

Hey guys! Have you recovered from your Thanksgiving feasts?! My Thursday-evening food coma was particularly vicious this year. I was all, “I’ll never eat again!!”…until I ate literally the exact same plate again for dinner the next day. What can I say? ‘Tis the season for food comas, hangovers, and holiday cheer, amiright?

It’s basically our patriotic duty to do it UP on Thanksgiving (and this indulgent requirement definitely extends throughout the entire weekend, because it’s a long weekend and, uh, LEFTOVERS!). But every single year, without fail, I feel the need to seriously take a little break for a week or two before all the craziness of the holidays sets in once again with holiday parties, cookie swaps, and cheesecake and cheeseballs and cocktails galore. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but I need to eat some vegetables for a hot sec before the onslaught starts all over again. You feel me?


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Coconut Oil Banana Bread

coconut oil banana bread // my bacon-wrapped life

Do you ever see a recipe (in a cookbook, online, on a menu, wherever) and you just absolutely have to drop everything and make it RIGHT THEN?

This is a result of one of those moments.

OK fine, I saw this beauty a few weeks ago, but this was the very first opportunity I had to bake something, so for me, that’s a pretty darn quick turn-around. As a food blogger, I have a looooong list of recipe ideas and a significant backlog of things I want to make. But I wasn’t feeling inspired for my post this week until I started thinking about exactly what I really wanted to eat. I was craving something cozy and sweet but not overly indulgent, something that I wouldn’t feel terrible about eating (especially before the pending Thanksgiving onslaught) but also would satisfy me and make me feel warm and fuzzy inside the way really only a fantastic baked treat can. I wanted this coconut oil banana bread and, backlog be damned, I was going to make it!


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Foodie Favorites – November 19, 2015

foodie favorites - november 19, 2015 // my bacon-wrapped life

Wedding registering (!!!!) requires healthy sustenance (and booze).

Hey everyone! Are you in the full-blown Thanksgiving spirit yet? Even though Thanksgiving totally crept up on me this year, I could not be more excited and am eagerly counting down the days until next week. My mom and I are making these bacon roasted sweet potatoes, my all-time favorite pretzel bread stuffing, my future mother-in-law’s broccoli casserole, and pumpkin pie – so we should certainly have our work cut out for us! Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite days of the year, and I definitely feel like I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Let’s dive into the holiday spirit with this week’s Foodie Favorites!

Another incredible stuffing – this fig, herb, and sausage stuffing looks to-die-for. I absolutely love the idea of adding figs – what a perfect naturally sweet touch!

These salted chocolate pecan pie bars are calling to me. I never end up eating pecan pie on Thanksgiving because I love pumpkin pie and often find pecan pie a bit too much after such a big meal. These cute little bars look like the perfect compromise – so I can have my pumpkin pie and eat my pecan pie bars, too!


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Easy Dark Chocolate Pistachio Cinnamon Rolls

easy dark chocolate pistachio cinnamon rolls // my bacon-wrapped life

You know what the most overlooked part of Thanksgiving is?

That’d be Turkey Day breakfast. Talk about getting no love!

I know some people are in the “starve yourself all day to make more room for dinner camp”, and I could not disagree more. I am strongly in the hearty-breakfast camp. We need our energy for turkey-basting and stuffing-making and pie-baking! Also, let’s be real – if I don’t eat breakfast, I’m going to be a total hangry mess, and nobody wants that, right?


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