Month: December 2015

Honey Almond Goat Cheese Truffles

honey almond goat cheese truffles // my bacon-wrapped life

I made these for you to make for your holiday party, so can we pretend that I didn’t make these super classy honey almond goat cheese truffles when I was home alone and then sit and eat all of them in my pajamas while watching The Food Network?

I vote yes. You’d never know, right? Our little secret.

But seriously. ‘Tis the season for subsisting solely on cookies and truffles and cheese and champagne. Whether you’re wearing a gorgeous sparkly dress and stilettos at a classy holiday party or your stretchy pants and a messy bun on the couch at home, it’s just the right thing to do!


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Holiday M&M’s® Oatmeal Cookies

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MemoriesInTheBaking #CollectiveBias

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Guys, it’s here!!! The most wonderful time of the year!

I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I go all out for the holidays, at least food-wise. For us bakers, it’s pure heaven – so many opportunities to whip up sweet treats for our favorite people in the entire world! Between the endless piles of butter and sugar, Christmas carols, twinkly lights, and cozy nights (yes, even in California) it’s basically impossible not to feel warm and fuzzy in December. I LOVE it!


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Foodie Favorites – December 2, 2015 (Holiday Baking + Gifting Edition!)

sriracha caramel corn // my bacon-wrapped life

Hey guys! Happy DECEMBER! My very favorite month of the year. Instead of the usual Foodie Favorites today, I thought we’d mix it up with a seasonally appropriate round-up of my favorite treats for holiday baking and gifting that I’ve featured here on this here blog over the past few years. Because you’re already planning out all your holiday baking too, right?! And be sure to tune in this weekend – I’ll be adding to the list with an incredible Christmas cookie recipe!


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