Month: March 2016

Challah French Toast with Strawberry Chia Compote

challah french toast with strawberry chia compote // my bacon-wrapped life

Happy Easter, everyone!!

I know we did BLOG Easter a few weeks ago with this deeeeelish quiche, but today is actual real-life Easter for us, so I couldn’t resist doing it up with another decadent brunch recipe! Sweet, not savory, this time. Because brunch is meant to include eggs AND French toast. Why choose when you can have both? Such is the beauty of brunch!


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Foodie Favorites – March 23, 2016

foodie favorites - march 23, 2016 // my bacon-wrapped life

A much-needed brunch break in the middle of the day on a big day of apartment hunting! Serpentine in Dogpatch totally hit the spot.

Hey guys! How’s your week going? We had the absolute best weekend – my mom and Brad’s parents came to visit for Brad’s graduation, and we spent the whole weekend eating and drinking our way around the Bay Area. What could be better?? I’m a little sad that our fun weekend is over and we’re back to regular old real life, where we actually have to eat healthy most of the time and drink in moderation. Oh well, that’s what Foodie Favorites are for, right?! Here is this week’s round-up!

This shredded chicken curry is going on my to-make list immediately. It looks so darn good!!

This tagalong-inspired chocolate peanut butter tart is speaking to my soul. So decadent and peanut butter-y!


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Restaurant Review: East Bay Spice Company

restaurant review: east bay spice company // my bacon-wrapped life

Big news – Brad graduated from his master’s program on Friday! In a few short weeks, we’ll be moving from Berkeley, which has been our home for the past year, to Oakland, CA. We are incredibly excited for this next phase in our lives (and exploring a new part of the Bay Area) but I couldn’t leave Berkeley without doing a tribute to one of our very favorite restaurants – East Bay Spice Company!


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Bacon, Broccolini, and Roasted Tomato Quiche

bacon, broccolini, and roasted tomato quiche // my bacon-wrapped life

Today, we brunch. And pi(e). All at once!!

I wanted to make a delicious, decadent recipe for Easter brunch to share with you guys today, and couldn’t help but notice that tomorrow is the biggest nerd holiday of the year – pi day!! Since I am all about the two-for-one bang for your holiday buck (and am also a giant nerd), this “breakfast pie” (a.k.a. quiche) was just the ticket.


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