Month: May 2016

Coconut Mango White Chocolate Scones

coconut mango white chocolate scones // my bacon-wrapped life

Happy no-work Monday! Three-day weekends are just the best. The weather has been fully cooperating this Memorial Day weekend in the Bay Area – it has been straight up SUMMERY around here. (And not Bay Area-style gray and gloomy summery either – real, sunny, mid-80’s summery!) I’m feelin’ like this summer is going to be the best ever, so I am ready to bring. It. On.


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Kale Pesto Quinoa Bowls

kale pesto quinoa bowls // my bacon-wrapped life

I’m baaaaaack! Four days later, I’m still recovering from the most incredible weekend filled with champagne, guacamole, and Jell-O shots (hey, I never said it would be classy, okay?). Needless to say, I’m in major detox mode this week! Not detox as in not-eating-food-and-drinking-only-juice (who do you think I am??) but more like detox as in filling-my-belly-with-things-that-are-happy-and-healthy. Just like these incredible kale pesto quinoa bowls!


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Date Milkshakes

date milkshakes // my bacon-wrapped life

Five days from today, nine of my very best girlfriends and I will be descending upon the gorgeous desert town of Palm Springs, CA for a weekend of pool time, floppy hats, and irresponsible amounts of champagne. It’s my bachelorette party, ya’ll!!

I have been looking forward to this weekend ever since Brad and I got engaged. How often do I get to hang out with my best friends all at once for an ENTIRE weekend?! I absolutely can’t wait for a weekend of boozing and eating and lounging with my ladies, so I had to make something to celebrate this momentous occasion: date milkshakes!


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Asparagus and Prosciutto Pizza

asparagus and prosciutto pizza // my bacon-wrapped life

Banana bread might be the first thing I bake in a new kitchen to feel like home, but shortly after has to be homemade pizza. It’s the savory equivalent, coziness-wise, and nothing makes me feel quite at home like a bowl of dough rising in the corner, a floured counter, and visions of crispy, cheesy, meaty goodness dancing through my head.


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