brownie tart with salted caramel bacon topping // my bacon-wrapped life

And in a blink of an eye, it’s that time of year again. Guys, this week is my two-year blogiversary!

It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating one year of bacon and lovin’ with this salted caramel bacon ice cream pie. I mean seriously. How was that one year ago?!

So while I can’t believe it’s been two years that we’ve been hangin’ out in this here corner of the internet, I definitely knew we’d be in need of some major celebration. As you probably know by now, in my book, that usually takes the form of an ultra-decadent sweet-and-salty bacon dessert. Also, it’s Father’s Day! If meat in a dessert doesn’t scream “Dad’s day”, I don’t know what does. I know my super sweet-tooth (and bacon-tooth?) Dad would agree!


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