Tag: bacon

Roasted Spring Vegetable, Bacon, and Ricotta Frittata

roasted spring vegetable, bacon, and ricotta frittata // my bacon-wrapped life

Aren’t these weeks after Memorial Day so funny? It may feel like summer outside, but the calendar doesn’t lie – it’s still definitely Spring, for a little over one more week! Don’t get me wrong – I love summer and am happy to pretend it’s here as early as possible – but let’s not rush through the gorgeous foods spring has to offer in anticipation of watermelon and corn on the cob and burgers and ice cream. They’ll still be there waiting for us next week, I promise!


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Bacon, Broccolini, and Roasted Tomato Quiche

bacon, broccolini, and roasted tomato quiche // my bacon-wrapped life

Today, we brunch. And pi(e). All at once!!

I wanted to make a delicious, decadent recipe for Easter brunch to share with you guys today, and couldn’t help but notice that tomorrow is the biggest nerd holiday of the year – pi day!! Since I am all about the two-for-one bang for your holiday buck (and am also a giant nerd), this “breakfast pie” (a.k.a. quiche) was just the ticket.


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Sweet and Spicy Bacon Brussels Sprouts

sweet and spicy bacon brussels sprouts // my bacon-wrapped life

It’s officially November, and you know what that means….


I can barely contain my Thanksgiving excitement until the calendar flips over to November. It’s just the best, smushiest holiday ever and I love all Thanksgiving food so much. (Besides cranberry sauce. Cranberry sauce can go.) I look forward to our family’s Thanksgiving literally all year, so by the time November comes around, I already have visions of stuffing and sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie dancing in my head. It’s a tad embarrassing, but I don’t care – I know I have some Thanksgiving-dork soulmates out there, right?


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Maple Bacon French Toast Cups

maple bacon french toast cups // my bacon-wrapped life

Will I ever stop showing you recipes with “maple bacon” in the title?

Let’s be honest – probably not. The combination is just too good, people.

So let’s deal with the 500 pound bacon elephant in the room – bacon has not exactly had the best week, huh? To be honest, I’m not too perturbed by all of the processed-meat-craziness right now. My theory on bacon (and anything else decadent and delicious) remains the same: if you’re eating a pound of bacon for breakfast every day, you’re doing something wrong. If you’re using it sparingly to flavor your adorable little French toast cups, you’re doing something very, very right.


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