Tag: beer

Bacon Beer Cheese Dip

bacon beer cheese dip // my bacon-wrapped life

I’m gonna go ahead and say what I know you’re all thinking.

It’s something along the lines of, “Seriously Meg, we’re THREE WEEKS into football season and you haven’t even made ONE game day-themed recipe?!” I know, I know. I’ve failed you as a food blogger. I’ve been so distracted lately by bacon fried rice and pumpkin everything that I haven’t even paid tribute to one of the greatest parts of Fall, the Great American Pastime: stuffing your face with creamy cheesy things in the middle of the day every Sunday watching football!

Luckily, I think I’ve made up for being a little late to the game (pun totally intended) today. Because I have three little words for you:

bacon + beer + cheese

I mean…it’s all 3 major football food groups, people. We can’t get any better than this.


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Foodie Favorites – August 6, 2014

foodie favorites - august 6, 2014 // my bacon-wrapped lifeThe pizza fondue (yes, you read that right) at La Madia in Chicago

Hi everyone! Hope you’re having a great week. We’re starting our month of family visits – my brother visited last weekend, my parents and other brother are coming to Chicago this weekend, and Brad’s sister and her boyfriend are visiting the weekend after that! I’m absolutely loving all of fam time and enjoying probably a little too much eating and drinking…but hey, that’s how it should be! Here are the things I’ve been loving this week:


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Chocolate Stout Bread

Chocolate Stout Bread | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

I don’t know about where you live, but ‘round these parts, St. Patrick’s Day is a pretty big deal.

A “start-drinking-before-noon” kind of big deal.  I mean, we dye an entire river green. You just gotta do it. 

It may be more than a week before the actual day, but in food blogger world, we always celebrate early. So welcome to St. Patrick’s Day WEEK up in here. I ate and drank copious amounts of chocolate and beer this weekend FOR YOU. You’re welcome! 


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Blue Moon Cupcakes

Blue Moon Cupcakes | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

Today is part two of our Super Bowl food series! It’s also the tail end of Meg and Brad’s Moving Weekend Extravaganza. Yeah, that’s right, we no longer live in a teensy tiny studio apartment. In our new place, there are ROOMS. With different PURPOSES. I can’t even talk about the additional counter space in the kitchen. I’m getting giddy just thinking about it. Anyways, the point is that as I’m writing this, I’m sitting on a couch in the middle of our new living room surrounded by a million errant cords and stacks of books and mounds of cardboard boxes that are just waiting to be dealt with, and I’m ignoring all of it to talk about Blue Moon cupcakes.


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