Tag: blue cheese

BBQ Chicken, Bacon, and Blue Cheese Naan Pizzas

bbq chicken, bacon, and blue cheese naan pizzas // my bacon-wrapped life

I’d like to formally introduce you to what will be henceforth be known as The Summer of Quick and Easy Recipes on My Bacon-Wrapped Life.

It’s not ideal, but it’s real life, people. With a crazy (at least, crazy for my super-homebody self) travel schedule that’s packed my summer with weddings and wedding-errands and lake vacations and friend visits, my summer is lookin’ a lotta wonderful but also a little nutso. Which means keeping up with this blog is going to be an adventure and a half for this working girl. So I just wanted to throw out some advance warning that this here space will tend more towards the quick and easy and less towards the slow-simmered Bolognese/homemade cinnamon rolls/fancy-pants stuff for the next few months. Which I think is actually quite perfect for the summer, ya know? Don’t we all really just want something fast and mindless and delicious and hot-kitchen-time minimizing?

That’s the summer dream, people.


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Bacon-Wrapped Dates

Bacon-Wrapped Date | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

It’s about time we did this, right?

You know, make something bacon-wrapped. Since it’s the name of the blog and all. While I think there are few things that couldn’t be improved when rolled into a little package and wrapped in bacon, bacon-wrapped dates are the O.G. bacon-wrapped indulgence, and for good reason.


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