Making good use of all the incredible California avocados ’round here! My fave way to eat them: smashed on whole-wheat bread, topped with liberal kosher salt, fresh cracked black pepper, and red chili flakes. YUM.
Happy April! I have to say, I am pretty pumped to see March go. A lot of exciting things happened, but moving, starting a new job, and dealing with a super fun and timely ant invasion in the same month has been…taxing. I’m ready for Spring, new beginnings, and a figurative breath of fresh air. I hope you’ll join me in a cheers to that! Here are this week’s Foodie Favorites…let’s just say I’ve got your Easter back covered, yo.
My #1 carrot cake find this week (besides, ya know, these): carrot graham layer cake. I must try this graham flour!!
Also, drooling over these carrot cake scones. Let’s carrot cake everything, okay?