Tag: pumpkin

Gooey Pumpkin Cake with Bourbon Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream

gooey pumpkin cake with bourbon vanilla bean whipped cream // my bacon-wrapped life

Today is Halloween part deux, coming at you in the form of a slice of ooey-gooey spiced pumpkin cake and a big ol’ dollop of bourbon vanilla bean whipped cream.

I mean, is there any better way to do it?

This pumpkin cake also has the double distinction of being Brad’s sister Tara’s favorite birthday cake. Her birthday’s coming up this week, so not only are we celebrating Halloween, but also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARA! I wish gooey pumpkin cake tasted as good with the eyes as it does with the mouf.


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White Bean Pumpkin Hummus

white bean pumpkin hummus // my bacon-wrapped life

Sometimes, with all the pumpkin pie and pumpkin cake and pumpkin muffins out there in the world, it’s pretty easy to forget that pumpkin is…a vegetable (well, it’s technically a fruit, but you know what I mean). You know, like a healthy thing with nutrients. That can be used in other ways besides being covered up with butter and sugar. I know, CRAZY, right?


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Vegan Cinnamon Swirl Pumpkin Bread

vegan cinnamon swirl pumpkin bread // my bacon-wrapped life

Today is a momentous occasion. It’s the First Pumpkin Recipe of the Year Day!!

Get on board, people. We celebrate these kind of things around here.

I’m a total pumpkin junkie, and this is the time of the year to do it all up all the time and be totally unapologetic about it. It’s not even that cold yet, but I couldn’t wait to start shoving some warm, cinnamon-y pumpkin goods in my face. And I’m here to tell ya, you should probably follow suit. Stat.


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Streusel-Topped Pumpkin Pie

Streusel-Topped Pumpkin Pie | My Bacon-Wrapped Life

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic day of family, football, a few too many cocktails, and pumpkin pie.

Mmmm…speaking of pumpkin pie…

I’m sure it will surprise exactly zero people that I am still not tired of pumpkin, particularly in pie form. Even the day after we ran out of pie leftovers, I was still like, “Damn, I could use some pumpkin pie right now.”  Is anyone with me on this? I hope so, because this post is for you, fellow never-ending pie enthusiasts.  Also, pie is a super awesome Christmas/holiday party dessert. So, conclusion: pumpkin pie is still relevant and I’m going to talk about it.


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