sweet potato turkey chili // my bacon-wrapped life

Hey guys! Have you recovered from your Thanksgiving feasts?! My Thursday-evening food coma was particularly vicious this year. I was all, “I’ll never eat again!!”…until I ate literally the exact same plate again for dinner the next day. What can I say? ‘Tis the season for food comas, hangovers, and holiday cheer, amiright?

It’s basically our patriotic duty to do it UP on Thanksgiving (and this indulgent requirement definitely extends throughout the entire weekend, because it’s a long weekend and, uh, LEFTOVERS!). But every single year, without fail, I feel the need to seriously take a little break for a week or two before all the craziness of the holidays sets in once again with holiday parties, cookie swaps, and cheesecake and cheeseballs and cocktails galore. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but I need to eat some vegetables for a hot sec before the onslaught starts all over again. You feel me?


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